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本次推荐5本图书:(来源ADB Publications 网站)

(1)Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2022 Update: Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age(PUBLICATION | SEPTEMBER 2022)

In this report, ADB has lowered its forecasts for economic growth in developing Asia and the Pacific to 4.3% in 2022 and 4.9% in 2023, amid mounting challenges. Its theme chapter looks at how digital entrepreneurship spurs growth and innovation.


(2)Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2022(PUBLICATION | AUGUST 2022)

This publication provides updated statistics on a comprehensive set of economic, financial, social, and environmental measures as well as select indicators for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).



(3)Collective Investment Scheme Transactions in ASEAN+3: Benchmark Product and Market Infrastructure Design(REPORTS | SEPTEMBER 2022)

This report explores how the central securities depository and real-time gross settlement (CSD-RTGS) linkage model could be applied to collective investment scheme (CIS) passporting frameworks in Asia to enhance post-trade efficiency.


(4)Financing Clean Energy in Developing Asia—Volume 2(PUBLICATION | SEPTEMBER 2022)

This book examines clean energy financing and approaches in hydropower and demand-side energy efficiency projects, along with policies and strategies based on experiences in South Asia.


(5)Disaster Displacement in Asia and the Pacific: A Business Case for Investment in Prevention and Solutions(PUBLICATION | SEPTEMBER 2022)

This report provides the latest evidence on the scale and impacts of disaster displacement in Asia and the Pacific and outlines durable solutions for prevention, response, and recovery.





